BSSVD Meeting Bursary
BSSVD Meeting Bursary
The BSSVD has established a bursary to help towards the meeting costs for a trainee who wishes to present their work at a BSSVD meeting. The bursary will cover the registration fee. BSSVD meetings take place annually.
The meeting organiser will judge the abstracts and the top rated abstract (of those who have submitted an application for the grant) will receive the grant.
• Applications are welcomed from dermatology, genitourinary, sexual health, dermatopathology and gynaecology trainees
• Applicants must be members of the Society
• Please submit your abstract in the normal way for the meeting.
• Application forms can be downloaded from here: BSSVD-Meeting-Bursary-Application-Form
• Details about the bursary may be downloaded from here: How-to-apply-for-a-BSSVD-meeting-bursary
• The grant will be payable within 4 weeks of the BSSVD meeting
• Please send your completed application with the abstract here: Apply Here