Advanced Training
The RCOG is the only speciality to offer a formal advanced training programme to senior trainees (see below). For other senior doctors there is no other training programme. Learning is self-directed, but the ATSM module below is a useful framework. Please see our educational resources section for more information (eg courses, e-learning, useful websites and books)
This module is available to gynaecology trainees in the final two years of training. The trainees are able to undertake two modules based on areas they wish to focus in their consultant career. The ATSMs are competence based. Most trainees use labour ward as one of the modules. Uptake of this module has been slow over the years partly because service delivery has focused on other aspects of obstetrics and gynaecology and this is reflected in job descriptions.
We are currently working with the RCOG in updating the module in line with changes suggested by the GMC. This will hopefully make the ATSM More appealing to training doctors.
The module is designed to be completed over one year and we have suggested a one year plan on a page to give trainees talking the module a timeline.
This is not endorsed by the RCOG.